The challenges for migrants and underprivileged due to COVID-19 are unique, and have amplified their existing vulnerabilities .
The challenges for migrants and underprivileged due to COVID-19 are unique, and have amplified their existing vulnerabilities .
Migrant workers were in vulnerable state during the nationwide lockdown due to COVID-19. Most such workers are daily wage labourers in unorganized sectors and were facing extreme problems both at destination and source areas. At destination, workers were stuck in cities and towns without livelihood and were facing issues of lack of wages, food and sustaining their families.
Thousands of migrant workers were seen walking or bicycling hundreds of kilometers to go back to their native villages, some with their families. According to some of migrants, they would rather die from the virus at their own village than starve because of no work in the city. Additionally, they felt that going back to their hometowns, they could return to farming and take up small jobs under the MGNREGA. This created shortages of labour in cities, especially in the construction industry.
Disha is working at multiple locations to mitigate some of these unique issues faced by migrant workers, urban poor and daily wage labourers. These locations are -